Car sales in Europe for the first time since 2011 Argues
Car sales in Europe-have Increased in April for the first time since September 2011, putting an end to 18 consecutive months of decline, this goal is improvement due to a statistical anomaly.
In April, They are 1,038,000 new cars registered through Were the European Union, against the historic low for April Reached 1.021 million in 2012. In absolute terms, April sales Were the third falling on Lowest on record this month.
Improved sales by 3.8 percent in Germany melted HAVING Effective from 13 percent in March. Sales aussi-have gotten better in Spain, thanks to the arrival of incentives, And They Continued to do well in the UK.
France and Italy-have shown the respective Declines of 5.3 percent and 10.8 percent.
The overall Observed Increase in April WAS Attributed by the Association of European Automobile Manufacturers is the inclusion of two working days of the last month.